I'm so glad you landed here on my page. I hope that you are finding what you are seeking here, knowing that through these pages I am wishing you love and peace.
I stumbled upon homeopathy almost twenty years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. I was fortunate enough to make the acquaintance of someone who was a student of homeopathy at that time and while I didn't see a homeopath until a year later, that meeting forever changed my life.
I am a mother of three daughters, homeschool mom, athlete, cancer survivor, teacher and homeopath.
I love working with people who have looked everywhere else and haven't yet found healing.
I love working with people who know that there is something deeper to heal and they are willing to go there.
I love working with cancer patients and survivors because the emotional and physical traumas that go along with the territory are very real.
I love walking alongside people as they heal, grieve, express and transform.
I am so grateful to have stumbled upon this incredible, healing art of homeopathy and am able to share it with you.
I am co-founder of the Prometheus Homeopathic Institute where I teach students who are training to become homeopaths, practitioners who want to deepen their understanding and clinical students who are working with clients. At PHI, we teach that the first remedy is love, and that is the way I practice as well.