I posted this quote on the Spark Wellness Facebook page last week.
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
- Carl Gustav Jung
And it’s gotten me thinking about my own experience of being treated homeopathically.
I’ve been seeing a homeopath myself for over ten years. In the very beginning, I was being seen for postpartum depression, seasonal allergies and asthma as well as the everyday stresses of being a new mom. I’ve been treated through having the flu, mononucleosis and a dripping, sneezing nose.
During these ten years of homeopathic care, most if not all of these symptoms have been healed. I’m at a place in my life where I’m exercising regularly, eating well and feel symptom free for the most part. I’m also happy in my work and personal life.
So why do I still see my homeopath regularly?
It is the above quote by Carl Jung that fits perfectly. I want more. I want to be able to find and keep my balance always. I want to explore those things that aggravate me and dive deeper. My personal explorations with my homeopath are similar to what I experienced with a life coach years ago.
I want to know what stops me. What are the things that I can’t seem to figure out on my own? Why do I react to similar situations in such a familiar and frustrating way? How can I develop a new path forward when these things come up?
I find my conversations with my homeopath to be healing in and of themselves but being able to take a carefully prescribed remedy that helps to nudge my energy in the right direction is a wonderful gift. The way that I find healing these days does not appear in the form of pain or symptom relief. It now comes in more subtle but powerful ways. I might have a different, more calm reaction to similar challenging situations. (Although not the rabbits!) I might feel an inspiration to finally move in the direction that I've been contemplating. I might be able to now let go of a feeling, idea or thing that I was clinging to.
Healing is a journey. For me it is a lifelong quest to explore the inner reaches of my being and continue on my path to purpose, peace and spiritual growth. I find inroads when things irritate me and use them as indications that there is more to explore. I invite you to continue to explore the irritations along your journey.